CloudBerry Managed Backup Service

  1. Cloudberry Explorer Pro
  2. Serial Numbers Rolex

White-label versions of CloudBerry Backup is available to our partners via the CloudBerry Lab Partner Program. This program allows you to offer managed online backup services..See more

Customer Reviews

  • Don't get caught by a disastrous event before you have a plan - here are tips to help you create a solid backup strategy for your photos.
  • To get better search results for Cloudberry Online Backup do not include words such as serial number key etc. Make sure you spellled Cloudberry. Berry Drive provides users with a fast, effective and reliable method to connect to multiple cloud storage accounts and mount them as local disk drives.
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Cloudberry Explorer Pro

Cloudberry backup allows you to backup to local storage then it can automatically backup that to the cloud for disaster protection. Using S3 with the Glacier option is cheap, $0.005/GB/month and yes no upload charges.

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Nicely Done!

I've used a few other cloud backup methods and nothing compares to Cloudberry's Ease of Use and features / functionality available! The Managed Backup Service works well and easy to control and report on all my clients out there backing up. Over the past year development has been releasing features at a good pace and some of those have been ones I've requested. Thank You!

Great Software

I have been looking around a long time for some software that would allow be to pick my own Storage Provider. AWS or B2 or Azure and this software does this its priced very low compared to like a Datto product yet it has a lot of power baked in to it. The Support is Top notch, and they keep pushing out updates on a monthly bases improved the product greatly!

Cloudberry Labs software using AWS


I must admit this product is rock solid. Easy to implement, easy to manage etc. Technical Support is top notch. Been using the product for 1 yr. and it has not let us down in the slightest bit. We will be renewing for another year for sure. Best product on the market by far.

Great Software!

Serial Numbers Rolex

I am very pleased with the performance so far of Cloudberry and the features it has. I have had at least one customer have their data lost due to hard drive failure, and we were able to recover it for them from Cloudberry. This was especially good since it was a town office and had their records on it!

Great if you have small systems

I have to totally agree with the review that Thrakorzog left back in Nov2015. Their support has a lot of room for improvement. The product itself is a great idea and does work well on all systems until you attempt to restore from a critical event. At this point, you will find that the larger the amount of backed up data you have, the harder and more difficult it will be to recover. We had an EBS volume on a project file server with 7TB of data have critical issues where it kept crashing the server. We were at a point where we thought we lost the entire volume and were unable to get a snapshot of it or even mount it to another system. While working with AWS on the volume we started up another server and started on restoring the files from the Cloudberry backup. We prioritized the restore by selecting the most active projects and it was just shy of 1.5TB of data. 24 hours later, AWS had already fixed the issue with the EBS volume on the backend and we were able to mount the volume without any data loss, but the Cloudberry restore had not yet restored any reasonable amount of data. We left it to run to determine what are recovery window would be. After 6 days it had finally crossed the 1TB mark, but we later found it frozen and finally just cancelled it. Not 6 months later we started having an issue with the client on the project file server and requested support via a ticket. The response was to update the client and then run a synchronization of the repository. Again, this is a large file server that we have and the synchronization has been running for more that 48 hours. Response from support was that we have a lot of files and need to let it run. I have had to do simple restores to recover a number of different sized folders and files where the issue occurred from user error and the CloudBerry client worked like a charm. In the end, if you have small systems or even want to use this to backup user desktops, it is a great application for the money. I would not advice using it for a system with a large amount of data. A critical event could leave you without data for an extended period of time. The biggest problem with the product seems to be with the way it maintains its catalog of backed up files and how this is rebuilt when needed to restore a failed system.

Easy Easy Easy


If you want an easy way to sell online backups, it doesn't get any easier than this. They handle everything for you. It even integrates into my PSA.

Great service

Easy to use, and setup. Enjoy working with it, and using it for backups. I would recommend! This system is complete, and does exactly what it says it does.

Great product, easy to setup, excellent administrative controls

This product is in a class all of its own. It has excellent back-up options, including client side encryption, S3 SSE, Glacier policies, file versions and retention policies. Works great on Windows when you need VSS, too!

Mixed bag

Technologically, this is a fair program, but is undergoing updates all the time and is expanding its capability at every turn. If you are looking for rapidly developed software with extended capabilities, you will be very happy with the pace of development.
However, some things annoy me:
1) When I actually tried to restore a full system from a backup, I had to 'prepare' the backup in order to make it ready for recovery. This took extra time and, in the end, didn't work for me when I needed it. I ended up using Microsoft's built-in Server Backup software to successfully get to a recovered system.
2) When I had a problem that I could not resolve myself, I turned to support (ticket only). The back and forth nature of the resolution process took weeks. This made me less than happy.
3) The ordering process is.. weird. It even looks shady, but it's not, it's just weird. They have a reseller (Digital River) that the orders go through. It's very convoluted and when I tried to go back and look at my orders, it appears that I have multiple accounts and cannot easily see what I ordered. I have talked to their CS team and am expecting a call back from their supervisor.
In short, they seem to be a good group of people with a reasonable product. Their service was less than stellar, but the price is unbeatable.
If I could wish anything it would be that hteir sales and service would match their development.

Great Product with Real Cost Savings

I was spending $5,700 a month for backup services through a major provider. The switch to this service reduced my cost by 5,500 an month. I installing online agents on my on-premise VMs and on my AWS EC2 systems. Setup was extremely easy, I had all my backups moved over in less than two days. I am moving away from my on-premise VMs so this product actually helps me keep my VMs in sync with my EC2 instances during testing.
I highly recommend this product. Only agents I am waiting for is one for Oracle and an agent that is more cluster aware.