1. Jd Joint Degree Programs
  2. Howard University Joint Degree Programs

The Fletcher School has participated in an academic exchange of students and faculty with the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, since 1967. Fletcher and the Institute are similarly organized, share common educational objectives and prepare their students for similar careers. The exchange was inspired and financially supported by the late Dr. Donald M. MacJannet and Mrs. Charlotte MacJannet, longtime benefactors of Tufts University. The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies was established in 1927. Its location, Geneva, is the seat of the European Office of the United Nations and its Economic Commission for Europe, as well as numerous other international institutions. In this context, the Institute serves as a center for the study of contemporary international questions from the juridical, political and economic points of view. The program is intended for students with academic and personal backgrounds sufficient to enable them to undertake independent study and research. Students going to Geneva from Fletcher will receive the equivalent of one semester of course credit (30 ECTS credits) for their term in Geneva.

In addition to the three-year joint degree program with the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, The Fletcher School has a one semester exchange program with the Tuck School. Up to two students from each institution, who are not in the joint degree program, annually spend the fall semester/term of their second year at the other institution as visiting students. Each institution pre-selects the nominees for the other institution from its first-year class. Visiting students take four courses at the other institution and are responsible for arranging transfer credit to their home institution. During the visiting semester/term, students pay tuition to and receive financial aid from their home institution; thus, Fletcher students pay full tuition to Fletcher and receive Fletcher financial aid as appropriate while enrolled as visiting students at Tuck. Visiting students have all the rights and privileges of degree candidates.

Nov 9, 2016 - Although almost all Tuck students have work experience before they enrol, this is not a prerequisite for admission to this joint-degree program.


In addition to the joint degree program with HEC, The Fletcher School has a one semester exchange program with HEC. Up to three students from each institution, who are not in the joint degree program, spend one semester during their second year (or during the elective portion of their MBA program) at the other institution as visiting students. Each institution pre-selects the nominees for the other institution from its first-year class. Visiting students take four courses at the other institution and are responsible for arranging transfer credit to their home institution. During the visiting semester/term, students pay tuition to and receive financial aid from their home institution; thus, Fletcher students pay full tuition to Fletcher and receive Fletcher financial aid as appropriate while enrolled as visiting students at HEC. Visiting students have all the rights and privileges of degree candidates.

The Begabtenforderung of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and The Fletcher School annually exchange students for study, research or pursuit of a degree. KAS sends one student to Fletcher every two years to complete the MALD degree. Fletcher sends one candidate every year to any German university in any field of interest for advanced study or research. The selected student must have completed at least one year of study at Fletcher in good academic standing and must be fluent in German. Priority is given to Ph.D. students who use the year in Germany to research/write their doctoral dissertation. KAS facilitates placement for the Fletcher student at any appropriate university or research center, supports Fletcher students with the arrangement of summer internships and invites Fletcher students to participate in the seminars offered by the Begabtenforderung. KAS covers all expenses, including housing, living expenses and round-trip air fare for Fletcher students sent to Germany as well as for KAS students sent to Fletcher. Fletcher covers the cost of tuition for the 'Adenauer Fellow' for the two-year MALD program.

The Institut d' Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) occupies a special position among French universities. Founded in 1872 as the Ecole Libres des Sciences Politiques, it was originally a private school established to analyze the contemporary world. In 1945, the Foundation Nationales des Sciences Politiques (a private foundation) was created, and the Ecole Libre was transformed into a public institution while maintaining the objective of offering a multidisciplinary education for a 'merit-based elite' who will develop 'first-class analytical and decision-making capabilities.' Sciences-Po has the stature of a 'grand ecole' in the French educational system. The School is located in the historic Saint Germain-des-Pres quarter in the heart of Paris.

One or two Fletcher students may study at Sciences-Po annually for either the fall or the spring term. Preference is given to first year MALD candidates. An excellent command of French is required and the program has no nationality restrictions. In return, one Sciences-Po student spends a full year at Fletcher. The IEP career office (Sciences-Po Avenir) will work with Fletcher students to identify an appropriate internship following the student's academic program, if applicable.

Jd Joint Degree Programs

Participants in the exchange follow normal Fletcher procedures in order to obtain transfer credit for work completed at Sciences-Po. During the exchange, students pay tuition to and receive financial aid from their home institutions; thus, Fletcher students pay full tuition to Fletcher and receive Fletcher financial aid as appropriate while enrolled at Sciences-Po. Final approval of nominees for the exchange is made by the receiving institution.

In addition to the joint degree program with the Instituto de Empressa, The Fletcher School has a one semester exchange program with IE. Two students from each institution, who are not in the joint degree program, annually spend the fall semester/term of their second year at the other institution as visiting students. Each institution pre-selects the nominees for the other institution from its first-year class. Visiting students take four courses at the other institution and are responsible for arranging transfer credit to their home institution. During the visiting semester/term, students pay tuition to and receive financial aid from their home institution; thus, Fletcher students pay full tuition to Fletcher and receive Fletcher financial aid as appropriate while enrolled as visiting students at IE. Visiting students have all the rights and privileges of degree candidates.

Established in Shanghai in 1994 as a non-profit joint venture between the Chinese government and the European Union on the basis of the China-EC Management Institute (CEMI) established in Beijing in 1984, the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) has been a leader in all major innovations in business education in mainland China. Widely recognized as the best business school in Asia, CEIBS stands as an example of the success of China-EU cooperation, and as a showcase of the achievements of China's reform and opening up.

Up to two students from each institution spend the fall semester/term of their second year at the other institution as visiting students. Each institution pre-selects the nominees for the other institution from its first-year class. Visiting students take the equivalent of four courses at the other institution and are responsible for arranging transfer credit to their home institution. During the visiting semester/term, students pay tuition to and receive financial aid from their home institution; thus, Fletcher students pay full tuition to Fletcher and receive Fletcher financial aid as appropriate while enrolled as visiting students at CEIBS. Visiting students have all the rights and privileges of degree candidates.

The Indian School of Business evolved from a need for a globally top-ranked and distinctive business school in the Asian region dedicated to providing the best management education. The school is the dream of some of the best minds from the corporate and academic world. Their aspiration in creating the ISB is to establish an internationally top-ranked, research-driven, independent management institution that grooms future leaders for India and the world. The ISB's vision is grounded in the belief that leadership skills can be learned and that successful leaders must take charge of their own development and growth to achieve their true potential. ISB believes that all models of leadership should be grounded in a strong foundation of core values.

Up to two students from each institution spend the fall semester/term of their second year at the other institution as visiting students. For Fletcher students going to ISB, this is generally terms 5 and 6 at ISB. Each institution pre-selects the nominees for the other institution from its first-year class. Visiting students take the equivalent of four courses at the other institution and are responsible for arranging transfer credit to their home institution. During the visiting semester/term, students pay tuition to and receive financial aid from their home institution; thus, Fletcher students pay full tuition to Fletcher and receive Fletcher financial aid as appropriate while enrolled as visiting students at ISB. Visiting students have all the rights and privileges of degree candidates.

Tuck Joint Degree Programs

Yonsei University, the oldest private university in Korea, is generally, considered one of the two leading universities in Korea, and the most international among Korean universities. Yonsei, located on the outskirts of Seoul, has a spacious, quiet, and well wooded campus, 15 minutes from the economic, political, and cultural centers of Seoul’s metropolitan downtown. In 1987 Yonsei University established the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) which is considered the leading professional school of international studies in Korea. GSIS offers M.A. degrees in international studies and Korean studies. It also offers the doctoral degree. The M.A. in international studies offers four tracks: area studies; international cooperation; international trade and finance; and international management.

Generally up to two students from each institution spend the one semester/term of their second year at the other institution as visiting students. Each institution pre-selects the nominees for the other institution from its first-year class. Visiting students take the equivalent of four courses at the other institution and are responsible for arranging transfer credit to their home institution. During the visiting semester/term, students pay tuition to and receive financial aid from their home institution; thus, Fletcher students pay full tuition to Fletcher and receive Fletcher financial aid as appropriate while enrolled as visiting students at Yonsei University. Visiting students have all the rights and privileges of degree candidates.

Howard University Joint Degree Programs

Up to 5 MALD students may spend the fall semester at the Maxwell-in-Washington Program administered by the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University. Students are expected to take a full course load equivalent to 4.0 Fletcher credits. The Global Security & Development Program (GSDP) seeks to enhance participants' understanding of the issues, institutions and procedures involved in security and development, and to build professional skills needed for career opportunities. In a period of rapid global change, national/international security and emerging markets/developing nations are central economic and political concerns. The GSDP will deal with the conceptual, policy and practical dimensions through a combination of courses and supervised internships. Courses and events are held at The Center for Strategic and International Studies.