Download Lower Thirds After Effects projects. 2782 stock AE templates starting at $5. Immediate downloading, easy to use. BROWSE NOW >>. Mar 29, 2016  Its a great pack that includes 18 dynamic lower thirds for your next projects. Easily change colors and duration of each animation and quickly render to give your projects a.

CREATE A SMOOTH LOWER THIRD IN AFTER EFFECTS! We will also put the lower third in a video project in Premiere Pro and look at Text Templates in Premiere Pro.


Premiere Pro Starts at: 14:05

Tutorial Overview

In this joint After Effects/Premiere Pro tutorial, we’ll look at create a beautiful and smooth lower third animation graphic in After Effects from scratch and then we’ll save the file out and import it into Premiere Pro and use the tools in Premiere Pro to load in and edit the text in the After Effects Composition and then talk about duplicate instances of the lower third so we can have multiple lower thirds across our video project, but also so all of our lower thirds automatically update if we change something in After Effects thanks to the Dynamic Link connection between After Effects and Premiere Pro. You’re going to love this tutorial! Remember to like and subscribe!

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Lower Thirds After Effects Templates Free

Tags: after effects tutorials, lower thirds, lower third in after effects, create a lower third, how to create a lower third, how to create a lower third animation, create lower third animation, lower thirds in After Effects, lower third After Effects, how to make lower thirds, how to make lower third, how to make lower third After Effects, smooth animation After Effects, lower thirds Premiere Pro, lower third Premiere Pro, After Effects tutorial, Premiere Pro tutorial, dynamic link After Effects, text templates Premiere Pro, PREM