I'm interested in knowing how I can make an HTTP call from SSIS. For example, I would like to be able to download a file from http://www.domain.com/resource.zip and record the datetime of the download and the destination of the file on the drive. I would also like to capture such attributes as file size and capture the date & time when the download completed.


Package Deployment in SSIS using. In this session we will learn how to do SSIS project deployment or SSIS package deployment step wise or to deploy SSIS project. I would like to re-search SSIS packages to load data from AdventureWorks. If you downloaded samples while installing SQL Server, you can find the package.


3 Answers

You can make use of the namespace System.Net.WebClient to make the Http request with the help of Script Task in SSIS. Following example shows how this can be achieved. The example was created in SSIS 2008 R2.

Step-by-step process:

  1. Create a new SSIS package and create two variables namely RemoteUri and LocalFolder. Set the variable RemoteUri with the value http://www.google.com/intl/en_com/images/srpr/logo1w.png. this is the image url of the logo on the Google's home page. Set the variable LocalFolder with the value C:temp. this is the path where we are going to save the content. Refer screenshot #1.

  2. On the SSIS package, place a Script Task. Replace the Main() method within the script task with the code provided under the Script Task Code section. Refer screenshot #2.

  3. Screenshot #3 shows that the path C:temp is empty.

  4. Screenshot #4 shows successful execution of the package.

  5. Screenshot #5 shows that the content (in this case the logo image) has been downloaded to the local folder path.

  6. Screenshot #6 shows that the code was tested to download a .zip file. To achieve this, the value of the variable RemoteUri was changed with the content url that needs to be downloaded.

Script task code:

C# code that can be used only in SSIS 2008 and above.

Screenshot #1:

Screenshot #2:

Screenshot #3:

Screenshot #4:

Screenshot #5:

Screenshot #6:


Just an alternative for @user756519 script, not as fast, but more bulletproof

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This way, webClient doesn't stay hanging, and also you're not dependent on the previous existence of C:Temp directory.Other than that, great answer from @user756519, very detailed.


Here are a couple of options:

Sample Ssis Packages Download

  1. Third party tools such as CozyRoc or BlueSSIS.
  2. Script Task with WebClient
  3. Script Task with HTTP Connection Manager
Download Sample Ssis Package

Script Task Examples at:http://microsoft-ssis.blogspot.com/2011/05/download-source-file-from-website-with.html


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This post was authored by Jos de Bruijn, Senior Program Manager, SQL Server.

A release the magnitude of SQL Server 2016 deserves a new sample. Interactual player download free. AdventureWorks, which has been around since the SQL Server 2005 days, has had a good run, but it is time for an upgrade.

Wide World Importers is the new sample for SQL Server. It illustrates how the rich SQL Server feature set can be used in a realistic database. It does not attempt to use every single SQL Server feature, as that would not be realistic. It also showcases the key SQL Server 2016 capabilities and performance enhancements.

Latest release of the sample: wide-world-importers-release

Documentation for the sample: wide-world-importers-documentation

Download Sample Ssis Package

The sample is structured as follows:

  • WideWorldImporters is the main database for transaction processing (OLTP – OnLine Transaction Processing) and operational analytics (HTAP – Hybrid Transactional/Analytics Processing). Here are some examples of the use of SQL Server capabilities with this database:
    • Real-time operational analytics of sales data is enabled through the use of nonclustered columnstore indexes.
    • Archive tables can be stretched to Azure for long-term retention, reducing storage cost and improving manageability.
    • Query Store is used to keep track of query performance.
    • Temporal tables are used to conveniently keep track of the history of reference data, as well as some of the main entities.
    • JSON is used to enable AJAX calls to some of the key tables, and also to extend the relational schema to record such things as application settings and user preferences.
    • Advanced security features like Always Encrypted, Row-Level Security and Dynamic Data Masking are used to secure data.
    • In-Memory OLTP is used to optimize the performance of table-valued parameters (TVPs) and to optimize ingestion of sensor data.
    • Clustered columnstore indexes are used to reduce the storage footprint of large tables with insert-only workload.
    • Partitioning is used to improve the manageability of large tables.
    • For more detail, see WideWorldImporters use of SQL Server features and capabilities.
  • WideWorldImportersDW is the main database for data warehousing and analytics (OLAP – OnLine Analytics Processing). The data in this database is derived from the transactional database WideWorldImporters, but it uses a schema that is specifically optimized for analytics. Here are some examples of the use of SQL Server capabilities with this database:
    • Clustered columnstore indexes are used to reduce the storage footprint and improve query performance for the fact tables.
    • PolyBase is used to correlate data in the local database with a public data set in Azure Blog storage.
    • In-Memory OLTP is used to improve the performance of the ETL process.
    • Partitioning is used to improve manageability of the fact tables, which can grow very large in a data warehouse.
    • For more detail, see WideWorldImportersDW use of SQL Server features and capabilities.
  • A SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package, Daily ETL.ispac, is used to move data from the OLTP database WideWorldImporters to the OLAP database WideWorldImportersDW. The package is designed to use bulk T-SQL statements wherever possible to enhance performance. For details about the ETL workflow, see the WideWorldImportersDW ETL workflow.

The sample also includes a number of scripts that can be used to explore some of the features used in the sample database. In addition, the sample includes two workload drivers, which are small applications that simulate a workload running against the database.

The databases contain sample sales and purchases data starting January 1st, 2013, until May 31st, 2016. The sample includes procedures to generate more sample data, so you can always bring the sample up to the current date. For details, see WideWorldImporters data generation.

The data size is limited to keep the download size reasonable. If you desire a sample database with a larger data size, use the source scripts to create a new sample database, and tweak the parameters in step 6 to increase the data size.

Download Ssis Package From Catalog

Get started

  1. Download and install a free trial of SQL Server 2016 or configure a test environment using an Azure SQL VM.
    • The Developer Edition is free if you sign up for the free Visual Studio Dev Essentials program.
  2. Download the sample and review the sample documentation.

What Is Ssis Package

Send any feedback on the sample to: sqlserversamples@microsoft.com.