I accidentally deleted C:Windowsassembly folder from a Windows 8.1 setup while trying to remove a virus. Everything seems to be working fine except for a program I use called Gmail Notifier. When I am trying to run it, I get the following error:

I asked a friend to send me a copy of this folder, but as I see, he's also missing the following sub-folders:

Due to unclean uninstalls, the ATI driver for my video card is corrupt, and I need to manually remove everything with the Token '90ba9c70f846762e from the assembly folder. It seems the downloads folder is safe to empty out on this one? Don't delete or empty c: windows ServicePackFiles. Windows temp files. Mar 24, 2018 - 'C: Windows Installer' folder found on Windows Vista is. Is it safe to delete files in C: Windows. Is it safe to purge%WinDir% assembly.

I also tried to install some .NET Framework packages with no success! Can someone tell me how can I find the following files and others missing.


2 Answers

Considering that Gmail notifier requires .Net 3.5 and it's included in Windows 8.1 you need a different approach. Microsoft supplies a .Net Repair Tool which should repair your assembly directory.

The GAC_MSIL directory contains JIT (Just In Time) compiled libraries. There's a possibility that you don't have the proper permissions set to create files. You can try running your program as an administrator to see if that will create the files you need should the repair tool fail you.

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Restoring the system to an earlier point using System Restore solved the problem and fixed the problem with Gmail Notifier.


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One of the test environments I help maintain is subject to dynamic and regular changes in .NET applications. The development team are constantly releasing new builds that are slightly different.

You may not be aware that .NET applications go through a compilation process when they first start up. I’ve also been told on application pool recycle however I haven’t confirmed this. However, after the application has been removed or updated, the compilation temporary files remain. On a test environment similar to my above scenario, a total of 50GB of disk space can be easily wasted, doing nothing. So if you’re in a similar scenario, you may need to routinely clean up these files.


I know of four locations where these files can build up:

  • C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322Temporary ASP.NET Files
  • C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v1.1.4322Temporary ASP.NET Files
  • C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files
  • C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files
  • C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Temporary ASP.NET Files
  • C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319Temporary ASP.NET Files

If you application pools run in 64bit mode, you’ll find the “Framework64” locations more applicable. If your application pools use 32bit mode, you’ll need to consider the “Framework” locations.

Below is an example of a production environment using nearly 13GB:

As system administrators, we need to automate and script our workload so we can focus on the important stuff! So we devised a simple implementation of Powershell script which takes care of this clean up problem in one line:

Get-ChildItem “C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework*v*Temporary ASP.NET Files” -Recurse Remove-Item -Recurse

If you’re reading this and thinking, EWWWW Powershell. Don’t mock it until you try this single line command.

I saved the above command into a file names CleanUpASPNETTempFiles.ps1 and saved it to D:Tools. Name and save yours as you see fit.

To take a load off, you can schedule this script with a scheduled task. You can click on these screenshots if you need more detail:

(I opted to run on the first Saturday of the month. Use your own preferences.)

(My powershell.exe was at %SystemRoot%System32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe)

(Note you need to tick the option box to get to the next screenshot or load the properties on the newly created task.)

If you’re being told to sign your newly created script, you can either do that for high security environments or you can turn off the signing requirement. It’s great to have this option build into the language but in the typical environment I’ve found it a burden.

In a Powershell command window, type the following to check your current ExecutionPolicy:


You can change it to Unrestricted by typing:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

A reminder that files in these locations are normal. Don’t go over the top trying to clean them up.

It should be noted that while the files are in use by the web server, you will not be able to delete them – this is fine; the goal is to clean up unused files.

Windows Assembly Temp Folder


You should also be aware the next time the application fires up, on app pool start, the application will re-compile again. This may lead to a longer than average initial page load. If this is of concern, consider only removing files that are older than 30 days.

Of course, this script is provided as is. You should test it thoroughly in a test environment before use in production (though I certainly do). Tanuja gowda serial actor live shows.

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